
Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

School Based Documents for Enrolments Following Acceptance

These documents will accompany your acceptance of the place offered for your child. These documents will provide you with much of the information that you need in order to set your child up for success and begin the year as smoothly as possible. Please read all attached information carefully and return required forms via hardcopy to the front office or email.

Getting to Know You this document provides you with the opportunity to tell the staff about your child’s individual passions, interests, skills, and challenges. This information will get passed on to the learning coaches so they will have the information to best support your child at school.

Medical Information and Consent Forms all families must fill out and return the Medical Information and Consent Forms. Only families who child has a medical condition that requires an emergency medical action plan (e.g. asthma, epilepsy), you are required to fill out the action plan forms.

Social Media Consent form – this document lets us know if you do or do not consent to your child’s name and photograph to our social media pages

Third Party Provider form – this document provides us with your consent to share some of your child’s information to our third party providers, namely iPad apps that we use in school under learning coach/teacher supervision.

Preschool Authorisation to pick up and drop off - this document authorises adults other than yourself to collect your child from preschool.